What to Expect
Walking into a church for the first time can be intimidating, so we want to help you know what to expect when you visit.
What should I wear if I visit your church?
We have people from all ages and walks of life attend our services. Most people wear whatever makes them comfortable. You should feel free to come as you are, whether you prefer jeans and t-shirts or dresses and suits.
Will you ask me to stand up or introduce myself?
Absolutely not! You won’t be put on the spot. You won’t have to wear a name badge or be singled out in any way. We do provide a contact card in the seat pocket in front of you if you wish for one of our elders to contact you.
Where do I sit?
You can sit wherever you feel comfortable in our worship center, there are no saved seats. Our worship center begins to fill up 5 minutes before the Sunday morning service starts, so families who want to sit together should arrive between 9:50 – 9:55 am.
What do you do during your worship service?
We include several elements in our Sunday morning service.
- We give time for congregational praises.
- We offer prayers of thanksgiving.
- We sing traditional hymns and songs that focus our affections on the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- We read Scripture that prepares our minds to receive and respond to God’s truth.
- We listen to gospel-centered, expository preaching that challenges our wills to be doers of the Word and not hearers only.
How long is the worship service?
Our Sunday morning worship service usually runs from 10:00–11:15 am.
Our Sunday evening service usually runs from 5:45–7:00 pm.
Will there be instruction for young children?
Yes. We love children and desire to help our parents in the discipleship process. We offer children’s Sunday school classes at 8:45 am. During the 10:00 am worship service, children generally sit with their families. However, twice a month, we offer a junior church service for children K–6th Grades. All our adult children’s ministry workers undergo background checks and child protection training.
Will you ask me to give you any money?
We never ask our guests to give money to our church. We believe that cheerful and generous giving is the privilege and responsibility of those who consider Logan Elm Baptist their church.
I still have questions. What now?
If you still have unanswered questions about our church, please feel free to email or call our church office.